A lot happened in our ten days in Tonga during March 2020,

The three men from Greece, Ilias, Romeos & Nikos, were delighted to have support, as they had been alone in this work for over three months. We all became close friends in a short period of time.

The people of Tonga were very warm, welcoming and supporting of our work. One man, who we met as he finished a swim on the beach in front of the church, said “Thank you for building us a House.” In Tongan language, a church is called a “prayer house.” He recognized that the Orthodox Church offers this temple with love and respect for the people of Tonga. It was very encouraging.

Another young woman, a clerk at the car rental agency, expressed great interest in the Orthodox faith, insisting that I write down the words “Orthodox Church” so she could research it on the internet. She said it is good for the people of Tonga to learn new ways to pray to God. She was also familiar with the church building, because it is in a prominent location and architecturally striking. Most people I spoke with were familiar with the project, but few know much about Orthodoxy, though they are clearly interested.

Thank you all again for your prayers, donations and encouragement. Well over 50 families contributed to make this trip possible, and by God’s Grace it bore a lot of fruit.

Here’s a summary of what we accomplished, thanks to God:

  • Conducted daily vespers and Sunday Liturgy with the local Orthodox in Tonga
  • Built 8 hand-crafted, arched windows for the dome of the church
  • Purchased materials for two patio roofs and windows for the temple – installed by the Greeks
  • Raised the bronze bell to the belltower on the church roof
  • Shared our Orthodox faith with several Tongans we encountered or who visited the church
  • Assessed the next steps with the Greek team and developed a strategy to complete the temple
  • Mapped out the entire church for frescoes, with an emphasis on biblical saints and stories which will resonate with the Protestant Christian and Mormon people of Tonga
  • Joined the Orthodox faithful in Saweni, Fiji for Divine Liturgy and a Saturday Vespers service

In short, our goal of weather-proofing the Church of St. George in Tonga was accomplished, and we had many additional, unexpected blessings!

Look at the Progress!

Watch this video tour to see the progress we made in our March 2020 mission trip to Tonga.