So, at this point in our story, the team is built but there’s a catch – we have no money. Travel to Tonga is expensive, and we also needed money for supplies and tools to get the work done. The Archdiocese of New Zealand had devoted everything they could from their mission fund to support the Greek team, but funds were running short and there was still important work to do.

I set the goal to raise $4,000 per person – $20,000 total. Half of that was to cover airfare, lodging, food and the other half for materials. Simple!

After Sunday Divine Liturgy I made an announcement about the trip during coffee hour. I walked around sharing a flyer I made about the project, talking to as many folks as possible. Before I left for home I had $1,000 in my pocket and promises for more. I was heartened by the positive response.

That night I woke up at about 2 am and I couldn’t sleep – very unusual for me. I was, by God’s Grace I think, completely awake and invigorated, so I got up and started working on a fundraising plan. By breakfast I had composed an email detailing the project and our impetus for taking the trip on such short notice. I had also set up a GoFundMe campaign and sent the info out to everyone I knew via email & FaceBook.

The response overwhelmed me! Within hours we had a couple thousand dollars donated.

Within 3 days we had enough cash and airline miles to purchase all our tickets, and then the next Sunday we collected a couple thousand more during coffee hour.

By the time we got on the plane (11 days after announcing the trip!) we had collected $15k in donations and airline miles. We had nearly met our $20,000 mark by the time we left Tonga.

Most of our donors are members of our own community of St. John Cathedral here in Eagle River. Having the support, enthusiasm and prayers of the folks at our home parish means a lot to us.

I kept remembering Fr. Paul’s words: “Crazy faith!” It seemed like a crazy idea indeed, but it all came together!

Church of St. George